Become part of an

educational movement.

Choosing a school is like choosing a home; it has to feel right.

We know that choosing a school is a major, long-term decision for the whole family. That’s why we take care to ensure that every prospective family has all the information they need to make the right choice for their child’s education. If you can’t find what you’re looking for here, please contact our “charming and efficient” Admissions Officer (yes, that is a genuine parent review), who is available to answer any questions regarding joining TGS.

How to Join

Our admissions process is carefully designed to ensure a perfect match.

  • Let us know that you’re keen to explore your child(ren)’s admission, either through our website or directly to our Admissions Officer, Jacques (

  • Jacques will guide you through the next step of the process, during which we will ask for more detailed information regarding your family’s educational objectives and needs.

  • At this stage you will meet online with our Co-Heads of School to find out more about our School’s unique proposition. You will also be able to ask and address those lingering questions.

  • You will be invited to see the School in action, when possible during a regular school day. It is usually recommended that prospective students (especially those of a younger age) do not visit us until a firm commitment to joining has been made.

  • We will make an offer, subject to the prospective family’s timely submission of essential documentation, application fee, and a successful Family Appointment (next step).

  • Your child(ren) will be invited in to meet their prospective teachers and engage in some fun learning activities alongside our wonderful Educational Psychologist, Catalina.

  • Once the School has received all the necessary payments and paperwork, your child’s place in the School is locked in. At this point, it’s perfectly normal to start counting down the days!

As we grow organically, check out our Enrolment Roadmap.

Read parent testimonials.


Non-Discrimination Statement

The Asociación Civil The Garzón School admits students of any race, colour and national or ethnic origin.