What does TGS mean

to our community?

We’re enormously grateful and proud that our reputation has spread around the world by word of mouth. Scroll down to find out what current TGS parents are saying about our School.

“TGS takes a unique approach to education. I couldn’t be happier that we attend [a school] where education is all about exploration, growth, and following the child’s natural curiosity.”

“[Our children] have such a thirst for learning, they are so engaged in everything they do, not just at school but at home now too. The change has been huge. Passion oozes through the school walls.”

“The development of the School is mirrored in our daughter’s growth; we see her curiosity and creativity, driving her towards a desire for knowledge. As parents, the teachers make us feel that our daughter is in the best hands.”

“The most poignant shift we observed in our daughter in her first year at TGS was that she slowly but surely gained more confidence in herself. She truly began to understand that making mistakes is a healthy part of the learning process.”

“Our son has shown a new appreciation for learning, especially in math and science. The Co-Curricular Clubs have also had a profound impact, as he is now excelling in many activities that he previously found intimidating.”

Fall in love with learning again.

Apply to join The Garzón School in 2024!

Non-Discrimination Statement

The Asociación Civil The Garzón School admits students of any race, colour and national or ethnic origin.